API documentation#

The MENTO API is easy to use, since it only involves touching three classes:

  1. BeamtimeMetadata

  2. Trigger

  3. TriggerMethod

Additionally, there are helper functions in mento.utils which are useful for common tasks like mapping local file paths to their remote equivalents on Maxwell


class mento.metadata.BeamtimeMetadata(beamline: str, beamtime: str, corefs_path: str, tag: str, online: Optional[OnlineInfo] = None, asapo: Optional[AsapoInfo] = None)[source]#

Contains all relevant metadata about current beamtime, and computing resources allocated to the beamtime for online processing


class mento.Trigger(trigger_method=TriggerMethod.REMOTE_SBATCH_SCRIPT, beamline_root_dir='/gpfs')[source]#

Collective information needed to trigger an online analysis run.

Information about access to remote online computing resources


class mento.TriggerMethod(value)[source]#

Supported triggering methods.

Detailed API#


Main interface to online analysis functionality


Metadata objects and related functions for use by MENTO modules.


Utility functions for internal use by online analysis triggering modules at different beamlines.